Trevors Troubadours "// Country Church// contains a handful of your favourite songs, like "I never saw a pig fly so high", " Come on home and make my dinner" and the classic "Jeannie-May, you ain't nothing but a hound dog". You can buy it for $2.99 at the music store in town.
If you don't have this album in your collection, you don't have any selfrespect. The second album of Trevors Troubadours " Orleans" is an experimental and exiting album full of oldies but goldies. After kicking out the only female member of the band, Jeannie-May, and replacing her with the slightly alternative Johnny and Freddy (first and second from the left), the sound and image has changed, one can say. Here you can find "Bend over, Ben Dover", "Let's all be best friends" and "What are you pointing at there, Freddy?". Say no more. Enjoy.